Malayalam Television Channels Ratings – 15th to 21st October 2016

broadcast audience research council india published it’s latest ratings data. in malayalam segment asianet is leading the chart with 919 total points. mazhavil manorama once again placed at second positions and surya tv at 3rd slot. every week barc publishing ratings data for all india channels. is discussing about television ratings of malayalam channels 2016. newly launched malayalam horror serial disappoints surya tv, sahayathrika just scored under 1. you can check the total ratings points of all malayalam entertainment channels from here. we are attaching this week and previous week ratings.
malayalam tv channels 2016 ratings
Channel Name | Week 42 | Week 41 |
Asianet | 919 | 922 |
Mazhavil Manorama | 309 | 381 |
Surya TV | 291 | 375 |
Flowers TV | 250 | 295 |
Kiran TV | 201 | 265 |
Asianet Movies | 229 | 245 |
Amrita TV | 130 | 205 |
Asianet Plus | 122 | N/A |
Kairali TV | 81 | 136 |
We can now check the individual ratings of malayalam tv serials and other shows. This week have less data for malayalam serial ratings. there is drop in total ratings for all channels and shows. asianet only keep the performance, all other channels lost points.
asianet serials ratings
Serial Name | Points |
Chinthavishttayaya Seetha | 9.2 |
Bharya | 9.7 |
Pranayam | 7 |
Chandanamahza | 16 |
Parasparam | 19 |
Karutha Muthu | N/A |
surya tv serials ratings
Serial Name | Points |
Maha Veera Hanuman | 3.75 |
Sagaram Sakshi | 1.6 |
Amme Mahamaye | 1.2 |
Sahayathrika | 0.9 |
3 Pennungal | 1.2 |
Naagakanyaka | 5.1 |
flowers tv ratings
Serial Name | Points |
Rathrimazha | 2.4 |
Moonnu Mani | 2.6 |
Earan Nilavu | 2.3 |
Uppum Mulakum | 4.29 |
mazhavil manorama channel programs ratings
Serial Name | Points |
Mangalyappattu | 3.14 |
Athmasakhi | 3.84 |
Manjurukum Kaalam | 7.12 |
Krishna Thulasi | 4.9 |
Ponnambili | 2.9 |